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Dalloul Art Foundation

GHAYATH AKHRAS, Syria (1937)


Ghayath Al Akhrass, born in Homs, Syria, in 1937, is a pioneer in the field of engraving in Syria. He studied painting in Cairo and specialized in engraving in Madrid, Italy, and Paris. Al Akhrass...

Ghayath Al Akhrass, born in Homs, Syria, in 1937, is a pioneer in the field of engraving in Syria. He studied painting in Cairo and specialized in engraving in Madrid, Italy, and Paris. Al Akhrass served as a professor of printmaking at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Damascus from 1964 to 1978, where he significantly contributed to the development of the printmaking department. He was also one of the founders of the Group of Ten, a collective that played a crucial role in Syrian modern art. His work continues to influence many prominent Syrian artists.

This is a short biography. The full version, along with research, CV and sources will be posted soon. Stay tuned and visit us often or become a member to be notified of our updates.


Selected Solo Exhibitions


Prints & Printmaking, Ramzi and Saeda Dalloul Art Foundation, Beirut, Lebanon


Ramzi and Saeda Dalloul Art Foundation (DAF), Beirut, Lebanon


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