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Dalloul Art Foundation

KATYA TRABOULSI, Lebanon (1960)


Born in 1960 in Beirut, Katya Traboulsi is a self-taught multidisciplinary artist whose practice is focused on recent Lebanese history and popular culture. Traboulsi’s interest in art 1 was...

Written by LIAM SIBAI

Born in 1960 in Beirut, Katya Traboulsi is a self-taught multidisciplinary artist whose practice is focused on recent Lebanese history and popular culture. Traboulsi’s interest in art 1 was first informed by her grandmother’s paintings, which led her to consider pursuing graduate studies in fine arts. She envisioned a path in painting through studies in Paris, after completing her foundational education in Lebanon. However, her father's objections redirected her journey. Instead, she pursued Interior Design at the Lebanon School of Art in 1983.

Following her graduation, Katya Traboulsi embarked on diverse career paths. Her creative journey drove her exploration of art galleries and exhibitions, keenly attuned to the evolving cultural landscape 2. Katya Traboulsi ran her own printing press, Systeco, where she also worked as a production manager from 1982 till 1988. After organizing a variety of different exhibitions for her painterly works in 1986 3 , Katya married Jean Traboulsi in 1989.

A photo of the artist Katya Traboulsi with her father 4 on her wedding day became an iconic photograph of the Civil War, taken by photographer Roger Moukarzel 5 . In the photo, Katya Traboulsi stands in her wedding dress, holding her bouquet and linking arms with her father; strikingly, the background shows barrels and sandbags piled high. These were often used during the war for protection, and contextualize what was a common wedding day snapshot.

Later that year, in 1989, the newlyweds relocated to Dubai. There, Katya Traboulsi worked at an advertising agency, Publigraphics, from 1990 until 1993. She then taught at the Lycee Francais in Dubai for 15 years. In 2000, Katya opened the Katya Traboulsi Ateliers in Dubai and then later in Beirut 6. It was an institution that helped many emerging young artists progress in their careers. Moving to Dubai opened the cultural sphere to a whole new network of institutions and individuals.

As for Traboulsi’s artistic timeline, it can be divided into two defining periods: the authorial expressionist phase of her earlier career, and the later period marked by collaboration, political engagement, and multidisciplinary approaches. These periods interweave in works spanning the mid-2000s to the early 2010s, reflecting the rich tapestry of her artistic evolution.

During her early period, Traboulsi aligned herself with the Figuration Libre movement, an artistic wave that emerged in 1980s France 7, characterized by the use of bold lines, intricate patterns, and whimsically drawn human figures and environments. These early works were largely acrylic paintings 8. Katya’s work during this period was created as part of her journey of healing and recovery from the tumultuous Lebanese civil war, a transformative period that deeply influenced her artistic expression. Many of her works present complex, and intense, themes that mirror her own interpretation of life during the civil war. Katya Traboulsi continued to produce work in the manner of Figuration Libre in the 2000s and early 2010s, but began to engage in more pressing and political issues which she had previously avoided 9. Such issues included woman’s rights 10 as in Forbidden Words (2006), and the Lebanese civil war in Age of Rage (2012) 11 .

The following decade ushered the beginning of Traboulsi’s collaborative work, inspired by literature and journalism. Continuing in the aesthetics of Figuration Libre, she painted diverse pieces inspired by essays written in 2011 12 . This was her first attempt at collaborative work within the artistic sphere. Her second was in 2013, when she curated the work of different Photojournalists 13 that were active during the Lebanese civil war in a body of work titled Generation War. Traboulsi documented history in a manner that emphasized these individuals’ experiences at the time 14. They were presented either in texts by the journalists or in speech, during the exhibition. Expressing her collaborative artistic philosophy, and referencing people who had documented and experienced war; she once stated, “I’m telling people's stories, not mine." 15

With her most recent projects, from the mid-2010s and on, Traboulsi worked in collaboration with artisans to produce works that valorized 16 different national and local artistic traditions. One such project that can be viewed as a landmark in her collaborative work was Perpetual Identities. The project was comprised of a series of medium sized missile mortars, handmade either by the artist or artisans commissioned by her. For a time, the project was an ongoing work of art. Traboulsi would make or commission two or three mortars, sell them to collectors, and then earn the money to make more mortars 17, hence the perpetuity of Perpetual Identities.

The initial inspiration of this project was a gifted mortar shell sleeve from the 1975 Lebanese civil war that she had received for her birthday 18 . Considering how such an object was responsible for death, she created art around it that would idolize and pay tribute to those who fought against an ‘enemy’. The idea behind Perpetual Identities was to turn these mortars which were symbols of war, into symbols of peace, and embodiments of identity and diversity 19. Each of the mortars featured imagery and the utilization of materials from a diversity of 46 symbolic cultures, hence the importance of identity in Perpetual Identities. This is unsurprising considering that in a 2023 interview about Perpetual Identities, Traboulsi talked about how much she valued diversity 20.

Perpetual Identities was a return to political topics in Lebanon after the civil war. For instance, the Ramzi and Saeda Dalloul Art Foundation (DAF) owns two of those mortars which are from the series concerned with Lebanese politics. The first, titled: Perpetual Identities, Political Lebanon, 2016, is concerned with Lebanese political parties, many of whom were active during the civil war. The artist collaged together the logos of the different parties such as the Phalangists, the Lebanese Communist Party, the Lebanese Resistance Detachment party or Afwaj al-Muqawamah al-Lubnaniyyah (Amal) in Arabic, and the Progressive Socialist Party (PSP), onto the mortar. These logos appear either as graffiti or as posters. The other mortar, an undated piece titled Perpetual Identities, is the inverse of the former as it is a collage of symbols having to do with Lebanese civil society and the October 17 revolution which opposed much of the political parties whose logos she had depicted on her artwork. The second one, titled: Perpetual Identities, Political Lebanon, 2016 is rendered in a much grittier and rougher manner. However, the imagery of the second mortar is more polished. The two mortars include iconography, which evoke a sense of heterogeneity and crowdedness. This is a style of art common in Lebanon, such as the works of artists like Walid Zbib and Maroun Baghdadi, as articulated by philosopher Fares Chalabi in Baghdadi…The Sectarian-Image 21 .

Katya Traboulsi’s work cannot be pinned down to one technique, style, or subject matter. She has made use of different kinds of materials from acrylics to light-boxes 22 , brass and resin, and iron 23 . Traboulsi has produced work that is in line with different currents of expressionism, conceptual art, and pop art, respectively. She has tackled an array of themes ranging from celebrity to music 24 , to ethno-national identity, anatomy 25, freedom, and war. Her most recent exhibition at Saleh Barakat Gallery in Beirut, Rej3a Ya Mama (2022), largely consisted of ironworks inspired by Lebanese pick-up trucks 26. She showcases the vivid designs typical of Lebanese trucks, employing bold hues and cultural symbols. Her iron creations honor Tripoli, merging abstract motifs, like florals and birds, with traditional calligraphy, conveying cultural values.

Beyond her art, Katya Traboulsi’s enduring legacy extends to cultural enrichment through collaboration, commissioning, and institutional support. A dedicated advocate of artistic expression, equality, and diversity, she does everything with a "scream of peace" 27, as she likes to say. In 2016, Katya returned to her roots in Beirut, where she currently resides and continues to contribute to the vibrant tapestry of the art world 28.



Baghdadi… The Sectarian Image. YouTube. American University of Beirut Fine Arts and Art History Department, 2021. 

    Nassar, Nelida. “Cross-out ‘Generation War’ in Favor of ‘The War Generation’ at the 2013
    Beirut Art Fair.” ART & CULTURE TODAY, February 7, 2016.  https://artandculturetoday


    1 Florence Pia G. Yu, “Katya Traboulsi: I Am Incomplete without Art,” Lifestyle – Gulf News,
    July 25, 2019,

    2 Liam Sibai, Interview with Katya Traboulsi, other, Dalloul Art Foundation, August 2023.

    3 Florence Pia G. Yu, “Katya Traboulsi: I Am Incomplete without Art,” Lifestyle – Gulf News,
    July 25, 2019, 

    4 Liam Sibai, Interview with Katya Traboulsi, other, Dalloul Art Foundation, August 2023.

    5 Nelida Nassar, “Cross-out ‘Generation War’ in Favor of ‘The War Generation’ at the 2013
    Beirut Art Fair,” ART & CULTURE TODAY, February 7, 2016. https://artandculturetoday

    6 Kalsi, Jyoti. “Beirut’s Bullet Holes Tell Stories.” Arts Culture – Gulf News, October 29, 2018.

    7 “Figuration Libre,” Academic Accelerator, accessed August 5, 2023, https://academic-

    8 Liam Sibai, Interview with Katya Traboulsi, other, Dalloul Art Foundation, August 2023.

    9 Liam Sibai, Interview with Katya Traboulsi, other, Dalloul Art Foundation, August 2023.

    10 “Kuwait, May 2015: Exhibition Abolish 153 at Contemporary Art Platform,” Abolish Article
    153, December 10, 2017,

    11 Liam Sibai, Interview with Katya Traboulsi, other, Dalloul Art Foundation, August 2023.

    12 “Of Others: An Exhibition by Katya Traboulsi,”,
    October 14, 2011,

    13 “Katya Traboulsi,” Artscoops, accessed July 24, 2023,

    14 Liam Sibai, Interview with Katya Traboulsi, other, Dalloul Art Foundation, August 2023.

    15 Liam Sibai, Interview with Katya Traboulsi, other, Dalloul Art Foundation, August 2023.

    16 Liam Sibai, Interview with Katya Traboulsi, other, Dalloul Art Foundation, August 2023.

    17 Liam Sibai, Interview with Katya Traboulsi, other, Dalloul Art Foundation, August 2023.

    18 "Katya A. Traboulsi at Leila Heller Gallery." Selections Arts Magazine, May 3, 2023.

    19 Liam Sibai, Interview with Katya Traboulsi, other, Dalloul Art Foundation, August 2023

    20 Katya Traboulsi WAAW Women Artists’ Art Week World, YouTube (YouTube, 2023),

    21 Baghdadi… The Sectarian Image, YouTube (American University of Beirut Fine Arts and Art
    History Department, 2021),

    22 “Lot 27: Katya Traboulsi (Lebanese, b. 1960) - Invaluable.Com,” Invaluable, accessed July 22,

    2023, style="font-size: 12px;">77641318bd. 

    23 Anastasia Nysten, “Rej3a Ya Mama • Selections Arts Magazine,” Selection Arts Magazine, June 1, 2023,

    24 Liam Sibai, Interview with Katya Traboulsi, other, Dalloul Art Foundation, August 2023.

    25 “Lot 27: Katya Traboulsi (Lebanese, b. 1960) - Invaluable.Com,” Invaluable, accessed July 22, 2023, 

    26 “Katya Traboulsi, Rej3a Ya Mama,” AgendaCulturel, accessed July 24, 2023, 

    27 Katya Traboulsi WAAW Women Artists’ Art Week World, YouTube (YouTube, 2023),

    28 “Katya Traboulsi,” Agial Art Gallery & Saleh Barakat Gallery - Traboulsi, Katya, accessed August 5, 2023,


    Selected Solo Exhibitions


    Perpetual Identities, Leila Hiller Gallery, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
    Rej3a Ya Mama, Saleh Barakat Gallery, Beirut, Lebanon


    Perpetual Identities,MEI Art Gallery, District of Columbia, Washington, United States of America


    Perpetual Identities, Saleh Barakat Gallery, Beirut, Lebanon


    La Galerie Nationale, Dubai, United Arab Emirates


    Art SpaceDubai, United Arab Emirates


    Art Space, London, United Kingdom


    Des Autres, Of Others, Marc Hachem Gallery, Paris, France
    Des Autres, Of Others
    , The Venue, Solidere, Beirut, Lebanon


    Basement Gallery, Dubai, United Arab Emirates


    Vivendy Gallery, Paris, France


    Green Art Gallery, Dubai, United Arab Emirates


    Green Art Gllery, Dubai, United Arab Emirates


    Epreuve d’Artiste Gallery, Beirut, Lebanon


    Epreuve d’Artiste Gallery, Beirut, Lebanon


    Majlis Gallery, Dubai, United Arab Emirates


    Epreuve d’Artiste Gallery, Beirut, Lebanon


    Majlis Gallery, Dubai, United Arab Emirates


    Société Générale Bank, Beirut, Lebanon

    Selected Group Exhibitions


    Hope in an age of Dystopia, Ramzi and Saeda Dalloul Art Foundation, Beirut, Lebanon


    Anima Mundi Festival - Its Liquid International Art Festival, Venice, Italy


    Art Paris, Dominique Fiat Gallery, Paris, France
    Art Dubai, Saleh Barakat Gallery, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
    Un Oeil ouvert sur le monde Arabe, Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris, France


    Face to Face, La Galerie Nationale, Dubai, United Arab Emirates


    Roger Castang Gallery, Perpignan, France
    Art 14 Art Space, London, United Kingdom


    Art Space, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
    Jamm Art, Kuwait City, Kuwait
    Art Paris,Marc Hachem Gallery, Paris, France
    La X Bienal Internacional de la Acuarela, Museo Nacional de la Acuarela, Mexico


    Jamm Art, Kuwait City, Kuwait


    KATZEN Art Center, American University Museum, Washington, Unites States of America


    Desires, nightmares and dreams, The Running Horse Contemporary Art Space, Lebanon


    L’Art au Feminin Algiers, Modern Art Museum, Algeria
    The U.A.E through Arab eyes, Dubai International Financial Center DIFC, Dubai, United Arab Emirates


    Espejismos: Art from the Middle East, San Pedro Museum of Art, Puebla, Mexico


    Women in Art, Courtyard Gallery, Dubai, United Arab Emirates


    Art and Design, Mark Hachem Gallery, New York, Unites States of America


    Les Peintres à l’étranger, Galerie Jeanine Rubeiz, Beirut, Lebanon
    Art & Development, La Rochefoucault, Paris, France


    Lebanese Patrimony, Al Bustan Rotana Hotel, Dubai, United Arab Emirates


    Contemporary Eye on Dubai, Dubai International Airport, United Arab Emirates


    Lebanese painters, Green Art Gallery, Dubai, United Arab Emirates


    Green Art gallery, Dubai, United Arab Emirates


    Green Art Gallery, Dubai, United Arab Emirates


    Green Art Gallery, United Arab Emirates


    Ramzi and Saeda Dalloul Art Foundation, Beirut, Lebanon
    Mont Blanc Art Collection, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
    Salsali Private Museum Collection, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
    Leo Burnett Private Collection, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
    Fortune Promoseven Private Collection, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
    Ogilvy & Mather Private Collection, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

    Leila Heller Gallery presents artistic work by Katya A. Traboulsi, English, 2023
    In the name of peace - Lebanese artist Katya Traboulsi’s unique art project, English, 2023

    The Kurator speaks exclusively to Lebanese artist Traboulsi about her Dubai solo showrnrn

    اللبنانية كاتيا طرابلسي وأيقونات علمانية كوشم أزرق على جدران الذاكرة
    ميموزا العراوي
    جريدة العرب, Arabic, 2023

    عبارات واقعية تتحول من تزيين الشاحنات إلى معرض تشكيلي

    "راجعة يا ماما" لكاتيا طرابلسي: "جمالية الشاحنات" وهويتنا الثقافية"
    Darine Houmani, Arabic, 2023
    الفنانة كاتیا طرابلسي تحول القذائف الحارقة الى قنادیل تضيء الحیاة
    اسماعیل فقیھ
    Asia Journalist Association, Arabic, 2021
    كاتيا طرابلسي... فن من قذائف الحرب, Arabic, 2018
    Katya Traboulsi: I am incomplete without art
    Florence Pia G. Yu
    English, 2003

    Contemporary artist Katya Traboulsi on how the Lebanese civil war brought her closer to art



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