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Dalloul Art Foundation

LINA KHALID, Palestine (1991)


Lina Khalid Ramadan, a Palestinian-Jordanian photographer and filmmaker based in Jordan. She began her career with a focus on photojournalism and after completing a bachelor's degree in Journalism...

Lina Khalid Ramadan, a Palestinian-Jordanian photographer and filmmaker based in Jordan. She began her career with a focus on photojournalism and after completing a bachelor's degree in Journalism and Media from Petra University in Amman, she was inspired by the power of visual documentation to inform and engage the public. The artist's work explores themes of identity, belonging, and the relationship between individuals and their environments, particularly reflecting on how socio-political landscapes affect personal experiences.

Born in Amman, Lina uses analog photography, especially black and white film, to convey a sense of nostalgia and examine how changes in environments impact the human condition. In 2018, she co-founded Darkroom Amman, a creative space dedicated to fostering local arts and culture. Her exhibitions include notable showcases such as MMAG Foundation’s "Gently Sparkling" in 2019, "Beirut Amman" and "Negative Era" in 2020.

Jordan’s complex socio-political context with its high refugee population and diverse identity, provides a rich backdrop for Lina’s exploration of these themes. Her work highlights the unique political and economic challenges of the region, offering intimate and insightful perspectives on the experiences of refugees and protest movements.

This is a short biography. The full version, along with research, CV and sources will be posted soon. Stay tuned and visit us often or become a member to be notified of our updates.


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