Missak Terzian is a Lebanese-American artist, of Armenian descent. He was born in Mar Mikhael, Beirut, in 1949 1 . When Terzian was ten years old, a friend of his parents named Claude gifted him...

Missak Terzian is a Lebanese-American artist, of Armenian descent. He was born in Mar Mikhael, Beirut, in 1949 1 . When Terzian was ten years old, a friend of his parents named Claude gifted him...
Missak Terzian is a Lebanese-American artist, of Armenian descent. He was born in Mar Mikhael, Beirut, in 1949 1 . When Terzian was ten years old, a friend of his parents named Claude gifted him his first painting kit. This was the moment of inspiration for Terzian, as the artist later expressed 2,
“The miracle had taken place"
– he had fallen in love with painting.
In 1967, Terzian went on to participate in his first group exhibition 3 at the ripe age of 18. He was simultaneously attending the Guvder Art School in Beirut, from which he graduated the following year. Terzian then pursued a second degree, in 1971, from the London College of Printing. Completing his education, Terzian returned to Beirut to join the family business. He began working at his father’s printing press as a color corrector. The artist was able to utilize the knowledge he had acquired from his time in the UK, and implemented it in his professional trade. As his career progressed, so did his personal life. In 1977, Terzian married Mariette Nadjarian, and soon they welcomed their first son Leon, and then their second Leah.
Nonetheless, his dedication to his family and his day job could not obstruct him from his pursuit of art. From the late 1960s till the mid-1980s, Terzian would partake in a yearly group exhibition, while continuing to work in the family business to provide for his wife and children 4 . For these exhibitions, he would mostly produce paintings of scenes that revolved around love, nudity, sexuality, and motherhood.
Terzian rendered them in the manner of Semi-Abstract Figurative Expressionism 5 which is a style he later became known for. In Semi-Abstraction, a painting is formed where the subjects are still recognizable, and yet are rendered in an abstract or non-mimetic manner 6 . Terzian also used Expressionism as a manner of creating art in which the subjects of the painting were distorted to expresses an emotional, mental, or general internal state 7 . Integrating Figuration into his work was his way of expressing his concern with the body, particularly the human body 8 . Terzian’s inclination towards the body was particularly influenced by another Armenian-Lebanese painter, Paul Guiragossian. Guiragossian’s art was concerned with the human anatomy 9. As such, Terzian’s initial style of painting is, therefore, a combination of these three schools. A great example of this combination is in La Mere et L’Enfant (1982) where we see interlocking circular shapes that look like a mother and her child that are Terzian’s Semi-Abstraction. The subjects’ bodies are twisted in a way that show the mother’s protectiveness over her child, revealing his figurative and Expressionist styles.
As Terzian’s style and technique matured, by 1984 he had gained enough traction to start holding solo exhibitions 10 . The artist’s manner of painting had not changed a great deal upon arriving at this milestone. His painterly subject matter did, however, expand. He began representing objects and scenes he saw in his daily domestic life 11. Terzian painted his pet cats, dogs, and birds 12, for example. To this day the artist keeps three birds as pets; a parrot named Picasso, and two love birds named Manet and Monet 13.
In 1989, Terzian decided to move to Los Angeles, California with his family. He did not want his kids growing up in Lebanon’s war-torn environment. Nonetheless, he continued to frequent his home country after his immigration. During his time in Los Angeles, the playing of music 14 became a recurrent theme 15 in his oeuvre. This is seen in The Guitar, 1994. Music would remain a paramount theme for Terzian for decades to come 16. The artist felt he could relate the presence of music in his art to the fact that he felt he could not work without music playing 17.
At the turn of the 21st century, Terzian had become a household name in the Lebanese cultural field. As a result, in the early 2010s 18 , Terzian was offered a seat on the committee 19 of the Hamazkayin Art Gallery in Lebanon. This was an institution dedicated to serving the Lebanese-Armenian community and culture 20 . In 2016, Terzian was even able to quit the family business he had been a part of for four decades 21 , to become a full-time artist 22.
A year after his retirement from the family business, a major rupture in Terzian’s oeuvre occurred. Terzian always aimed to never repeat himself, to always produce something new 23, and this rupture is a testament to that truth. From 2017 and onwards, Terzian slowly moved towards a manner of painting he refers to as Geometric Abstraction 24 . He still worked in Semi-Abstract Figurative Expressionism after 2017, with a piece like 2019’s Echo which embodies much of Terzian’s initial period, though it was created towards the end of it. Echo is a painting that is part of the Ramzi and Saeda Dalloul Art Foundation collection, and depicts two women rendered non-mimetically, centering their bodies, particularly their cleavage. The artwork employs a dynamic blend of vibrant reds, and blues interspersed with highlights of whites and yellows, and bursts of black and purple, creating an emotionally charged and expressive composition. The uniform rendering of the women’s faces, the exaggeration of their bodily features, and the watery dizziness in which this piece is colored suggest a state of libidinal intoxication.
As we step into the late 2010’s however, his work in Geometric Abstraction becomes much more ubiquitous than that of Semi-Abstract Figurative Expressionism. Geometric Abstraction is a way of making art in which shapes do not refer to any ideal or real-life physical structures 25 . This period for Terzian was filled with portrayals of pure abstract geometry 26 , of course, but also paintings with some saliency of subject matter. Terzian rendered things like cityscapes and landscapes 27 , while having the late great Etel Adnan in mind 28. He used assertive monochromatic shapes to portray the vastness and uniformity of the rural scenery he depicted 29 , in a manner quite similar to Etel Adnan’s portrayal of such scenery 30 . Much of the landscapes produced during this period were inspired by the artists’ visit to Canyon National Park, in Utah, in the United States, as well as Faraya, an iconic mountain village in Lebanon 31.
During this period of Terzian’s artistic career, he also participated in general Arab and Lebanese iconography in his portrayal of things like the palm tree 32 in a work about Dubai. He also recreated the columns of Baalbak 33 and the symbolic olive tree 34 . Though he had painted such national and regional pieces of iconography in the previous Semi-Abstract period 35 , they seemed to appear more consistently in this later Geometric period. The Blooming Olive Tree (2021), found in the collection of the Ramzi and Saeda Dalloul Art Foundation, includes many of the motifs of the artist’s second period, such as the use of monochromatic chunks – imperfect shapes to portray rural space. Missak uses a vibrant and varied palette of predominantly yellows and greens, interspersed with red orange and even black to create the illusion of foliage. The Blooming Olive Tree also centres the olive tree, a symbol of Palestinian nationhood 36, standing testament to the bigger role that Arab iconography played in this period.
Terzian produced The Blooming Olive Tree, Echo, and virtually all of his art in a premeditated manner 37, and usually finished them in one day 38. In the 20th century, Terzian would brainstorm sketches in a notebook which he would then reproduce as paintings on a canvas. These days, however, Terzian often works on a laptop when he is away from his studio and then realizes his drafts onto a canvas upon his return to the studio. Across his career and time spent at his studio, Terzian utilized an ensemble of materials, in each of his periods respectively. In the period of Semi-Abstract Figurative Expressionism, Terzian mostly used oil on canvas to produce his works 1 . Exceptionally, the artist at one point used tapestry wool 2 that paid homage to Picasso 3 among many others 4 . While in the period of Geometric Abstraction, he generally preferred the use of acrylic 5. There were a few exceptions to this general tendency where the artist would use oil on canvas for works of Geometric Abstraction like he did for Earth Rise (2021) 6.
Missak Terzian currently lives between Los Angeles and Lebanon still trying to produce something new and fresh every time he enters his studio. Apart from painting, his biggest passion today is his grandchildren.
Edited by Wafa Roz & Elsie Labban
“Azur.” Missak Terzian. Accessed August 26, 2023. https://www.missakterzian.com
“Beirut City.” Missak Terzian. Accessed August 26, 2023. https://www.missakterzian.com
Blocnote MTV Villa Zein interview Aug 2012. YouTube. MTV, 2012.
“Dubai (Palm Tree Series).” Missak Terzian. Accessed August 26, 2023. https://www.missakterzian.com
“Earth Rise 2.” Missak Terzian. Accessed August 26, 2023. https://www.missakterzian.com
“Exhibitions.” Missak Terzian. Accessed August 26, 2023. https://www.missakterzian.com
“Fantaisie En Ut Mineur.” Missak Terzian. Accessed August 26, 2023. https://www.missakterzian.com
“Femmes de Picasso.” Missak Terzian. Accessed August 26, 2023. https://www.missakterzian.com
“Figurative Art.” Figurative Art. Accessed August 26, 2023. nationalgalleries
“Geometric Abstraction: Moma.” The Museum of Modern Art. Accessed August 26, 2023. www.moma.org
Kuttab, Daoud. “How the Olive Tree Came to Symbolize Palestinian National Identity.” Arab News, November 28, 2021. https://www.arabnews.com
“Landmark Series – Baalbek 1.” Missak Terzian. Accessed August 26, 2023. https://www.missakterzian.com
“Landscape Series – Ammiq.” Missak Terzian. Accessed August 26, 2023. https://www.missakterzian.com
“Landscape Series – Valley 2.” Missak Terzian. Accessed August 26, 2023. https://www.missakterzian.com
“Le Fumeur En Blanc.” Missak Terzian. Accessed August 26, 2023. https://www.missakterzian.com
“Musicians (Standing).” Missak Terzian. Accessed August 26, 2023. https://www.missakterzian.com
“Musique.” Missak Terzian. Accessed August 26, 2023. https://www.missakterzian.com
“Sans Titre.” Centre Pompidou. Accessed August 26, 2023. https://www.centrepompidou.fr
“Semi-Abstract.” In Dictionary.Com, 2007.
Sibai, Liam. Interview with Missak Terzian. Other. Dalloul Art Foundation, n.d.
“Skyhill No.9.” Missak Terzian. Accessed August 26, 2023. https://www.missakterzian.com
Terzian, Missak, and Joseph Tarrab. Metamorphosis: 25 Years of Painting. Beirut, Liban: Terre du Liban, 2005.
Terzian, Missak. “Resume.” Missak Terzian. Accessed August 22, 2023. https://www.missakterzian.com
“The Guitar.” Missak Terzian. Accessed August 26, 2023. https://www.missakterzian.com
“Trefle-Femmes.” Missak Terzian. Accessed August 26, 2023. https://www.missakterzian.com
1 Missak Terzian, “Resume,” Missak Terzian, accessed August 22, 2023, https://www.missakterzian.com
2 Missak Terzian and Joseph Tarrab, Metamorphosis: 25 Years of Painting (Beirut, Liban: Terre du Liban, 2005).
3 “Exhibitions,” Missak Terzian, accessed August 26, 2023, https://www.missakterzian.com
4 Liam Sibai, Interview with Missak Terzian, other, Dalloul Art Foundation, n.d.
5 Missak Terzian, “Resume,” Missak Terzian, accessed August 22, 2023, https://www.missakterzian.com
6 “Semi-Abstract,” in Dictionary.Com, 2007.
7 Tate, “Expressionism,” Tate, accessed August 26, 2023, https://www.tate.org.uk
8 “Figurative Art,” Figurative Art, accessed August 26, 2023, https://www.nationalgalleries
9 Liam Sibai, Interview with Missak Terzian, other, Dalloul Art Foundation, n.d
10 “Exhibitions,” Missak Terzian, accessed August 26, 2023, https://www.missakterzian.com/exhibitions/.
11 Liam Sibai, Interview with Missak Terzian, other, Dalloul Art Foundation, n.d.
12 “The Bird and the Cat,” Missak Terzian, accessed August 26, 2023, https://www.missakterzian.com
13 VID 20230530 WA0012, YouTube (Missak Terzian, 2023),
14 “Musicians (Standing),” Missak Terzian, accessed August 26, 2023, https://www.missakterzian.com
15 “The Guitar,” Missak Terzian, accessed August 26, 2023, https://www.missakterzian.com
16 “Musique,” Missak Terzian, accessed August 26, 2023, https://www.missakterzian.com/portfolio-type/musique/.
17 Liam Sibai, Interview with Missak Terzian, other, Dalloul Art Foundation, n.d.
18 Liam Sibai, Interview with Missak Terzian, other, Dalloul Art Foundation, n.d.
19 Blocnote MTV Villa Zein Interview Aug 2012, YouTube (MTV, 2012),
20 “About Us,” Hamazkayin Lucy Tutunjian Art Gallery, October 21, 2019, https://artgallery.hamazkayin
21 Liam Sibai, Interview with Missak Terzian, other, Dalloul Art Foundation, n.d.
22 Liam Sibai, Interview with Missak Terzian, other, Dalloul Art Foundation, n.d.
23 Liam Sibai, Interview with Missak Terzian, other, Dalloul Art Foundation, n.d.
24 Missak Terzian, “Resume,” Missak Terzian, accessed August 22, 2023, https://www.missakterzian.com
25 “Geometric Abstraction: Moma,” The Museum of Modern Art, accessed August 26, 2023, https://www.moma.org
26 “Azur,” Missak Terzian, accessed August 26, 2023, https://www.missakterzian.com
27 “Landscape Series – Ammiq,” Missak Terzian, accessed August 26, 2023, https://www.missakterzian.com
28 Liam Sibai, Interview with Missak Terzian, other, Dalloul Art Foundation, n.d
29 “Landscape Series – Valley 2,” Missak Terzian, accessed August 26, 2023, https://www.missakterzian.com
30 “Sans Titre,” Centre Pompidou, accessed August 26, 2023, https://www.centrepompidou.fr
31 Missak Terzian, “Resume,” Missak Terzian, accessed August 22, 2023, https://www.missakterzian.com
32 “Dubai (Palm Tree Series),” Missak Terzian, accessed August 26, 2023, https://www.missakterzian.com
33 “Landmark Series – Baalbek 1,” Missak Terzian, accessed August 26, 2023, https://www.missakterzian.com
34 “The Olive Tree,” Missak Terzian, accessed August 26, 2023, https://www.missakterzian.com
35 “Le Fumeur En Blanc,” Missak Terzian, accessed August 26, 2023, https://www.missakterzian.com
36 Daoud Kuttab, “How the Olive Tree Came to Symbolize Palestinian National Identity,” Arab News, November
37 Liam Sibai, Interview with Missak Terzian, other, Dalloul Art Foundation, n.d.
38 Missak Terzian and Joseph Tarrab, Metamorphosis: 25 Years of Painting (Beirut, Liban: Terre du Liban, 2005).
Selected Solo Exhibitions
Nine Six One Arthaus, Gemmayze, Beirut, Lebanon
Colors in Motion, Rebirth Beirut, Gemmayze, Beirut, Lebanon
Utopia Arthaus, Beirut, Lebanon
Rock and Landscape Series, Arthaus, Gemmayze, Beirut, Lebanon
Informal Paintings, Galerie Cheriff Tabet, Beirut D, Beirut, Lebanon
Silent Sounds, Hamazkayin Lucy Tutunjian Art Gallery, Beirut, Lebanon
Timeless Dream, Hamazkayin Lucy Tutunjian Art Gallery, Beirut, Lebanon
A Touch of Passion, Hamazkayin Lucy Tutunjian Art Gallery, Beirut, Lebanon
Re-Birth, Hamazkayin Lucy Tutunjian Art Gallery, Beirut, Lebanon
Vibrations,Galerie Alwane, Saifi Village, Beirut, Lebanon
Her There and Yonder, Matossian Gallery, Haigazian University, Beirut, Lebanon
Still and Still Life,Galerie Surface Libre, Jal el Dib, Lebanon
Galerie Rochane, Beirut, Lebanon
Galerie Épreuve d’Artiste, Beirut, Lebanon
Galerie Épreuve d’Artiste, Beirut, Lebanon
Galerie Épreuve d’Artiste, Beirut, Lebanon
AGBU Art Gallery, Hamazkayin Cultural Society, Los Angeles, California, United States of America
Tekeyan Cultural Center, Pasadena, California, United States of America
Sherry Frumkin Gallery, Santa Monica, California, United States of America
Galerie Épreuve d’Artiste, Beirut, Lebanon
Galerie Épreuve d’Artiste, Beirut, Lebanon
Araradian Cultural Center, Beirut, Lebanon
Galerie Chahine, Beirut, Lebanon
Selected Group Exhibitions
Up-Cycle Tree Art Dar el Nimr Museum, Beirut, Lebanon
Chaos gallery, Sursock Street, Beirut, Lebanon
Draw Me a Cedar Salon Monaco Mediterranée, Monaco, France
Lights of a Rebirth Sursock Palace, Beirut, Lebanon
Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris, France
L’Art Blessé, Villa Audi, Beirut, Lebanon
Dessine-moi un Cèdre, Auction, Résidence des Pins, Beirut, Lebanon
May Chidiac Foundation, Auction, Sea Front Arena, Beirut, Lebanon
Rêves, Unesco, Beirut, Lebanon
Christmas Bazar, Hamazkayin Lucy Tutunjian Art Galley, Bourj-Hamoud, Lebanon
Launching of www.Banzy.com, Glorietta Gallery, Beirut Souks, Beirut, Lebanon
Proletkult, American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon
Jounoun, Unesco, Beirut, Lebanon
32nd Salon d’Automne, Nicolas Ibrahim Sursock Museum, Beirut, Lebanon
Art for Life, Zaitunay Bay Yacht Club, Beirut, Lebanon
Entrepreneurs, Palais des Congres, Paris, France
Paul Guiragossian Museum, Jdeide, Lebanon
Hamazkayin Lucy Tutunjian Art Gallery, Beirut, Lebanon
Visual Art Forum 5, Lebanese Artists Association, Unesco, Beirut, Lebanon
Kessab in our Hearts, Matossian Art Gallery, Haigazian University, Beirut, Lebanon
Artblend, Artists Haven Gallery, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, United States of America
Visual Art Forum 4, Lebanese Artist Association, Unesco, Beirut, Lebanon
Xème Salon Lyonnais des Artistes Arméniens, Palais de Bondy, Lyon, France
Visual Art Forum 3, Lebanese Artist Association, UNESCO, Beirut, Lebanon
Menasart, Biel, Beirut, Lebanon
Hamazkayin Lucy Tutunjian Art Gallery, Bourj-Hamoud, Lebanon
Villa Zein, Beirut, Lebanon
Galerie Epreuve d’Artiste, Auction Creneaux, Beirut, Lebanon
The Colors of Lebanon, Goguikian Foundation, AGBU, Dbayeh, Lebanon
Visual Art Forum 2, Lebanese Artists Association, Unesco, Beirut, Lebanon
Salon d’Automne, Nicolas Ibrahim Sursock Museum, Beirut, Lebanon
Re-Birth, Hamazkayin Lucy Tutunjian Art Gallery, Bourj-Hamoud, Lebanon
Visual Art Forum 1, Lebanese Artists Association, Unesco, Beirut, Lebanon
Lebanese Artists Association, Beirut, Lebanon
Arts & Beyond, Mzaar Intercontinental, Faqra, Lebanon
Galerie Alwane, Beirut, Lebanon
Galerie Alice Mogabgab, Beirut, Lebanon
Hamazkayin Lucy Tutunjian Art Galley, Bourj-Hamoud, Lebanon
Int’l Art Exhibition, Lebanese Diaspora, Dome City Center, Beirut, Lebanon
Hamazkayin Lucy Tutunjian Art Galley, Bourj-Hamoud, Lebanon
12th Beijing International Art Exposition, Beijing, China
Galerie Alice Mogabgab, Achrafieh, Lebanon
Galerie Raja Sertin, Kfarhbab, Lebanon
Tekeyan Cultural Center, Stephanie’s Fine Art Gallery, Pasadena, California, United States of America
Lebanese Artists Association, Beirut, Lebanon
Salon d’Automne, Nicolas Ibrahim Sursock Museum, Beirut, Lebanon
Catholicossate of Cilicia Museum, Antelias, Lebanon
Garden Tower Suite Hotel, Beirut, Lebanon
Artexpo Las Vegas, Mandalay Bay Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America
Contemporary Art Network, New York, United States of America
Matossian Gallery, Haigazian University, Beirut, Lebanon
Art Expo New York, Jacob Javits Convention Center, New York, United States of America
Salon d’Automne, Nicolas Ibrahim Sursock Museum, Beirut, Lebanon
Stephanie’s Art Gallery, La Canada Flintridge, California, United States of America
Salon d’Automne, Nicolas Ibrahim Sursock Museum, Lebanon
International Expo Art Montreal, Noah’s Ark Gallery, Montreal, Québec, Canada
Arts & Beyond, Mzaar Intercontinental, Faqra, Lebanon
Arts & Beyond, Villa Moda, Kuwait, Kuwait
Salon d’Automne, Nicolas Ibrahim Sursock Museum, Beirut, Lebanon
Le Royal Hotel, Dbaye, Lebanon
Galerie Brönte, Mövenpick Hotel, Beirut, Lebanon
Galerie Brönte, Al Bustan Rotana Hotel, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Galerie Brönte, Place de l’Étoile, Beirut, Lebanon
Galerie Brönte, Al Bustan Rotana Hotel, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Contemporary Art of Beirut, Expo Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon
Galerie Brönte, Mzaar Intercontinental, Faqra, Lebanon
Green Art Gallery, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Green Art Gallery, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
50 Years of Armenian Painting in Lebanon, Fabrica, Beirut, Lebanon
Artuel’99, Beirut Hall, Beirut, Lebanon
Fiad, Beirut Hall, Beirut, Lebanon
Salon d’Automne, Nicolas Ibrahim Sursock Museum, Beirut Lebanon
Noah’s Ark Gallery, Zalka, Lebanon
Salon d’Automne, Nicolas Ibrahim Sursock Museum, Beirut, Lebanon
Salon d’Automne, Nicolas Ibrahim Sursock Museum, Beirut, Lebanon
Salon d’Automne, Nicolas Ibrahim Sursock Museum, Beirut, Lebanon
AGBU Art Gallery, Los Angeles, California, United States of America
Barakat Gallery, Los Angeles, California, United States of America
Hamazkayin Cultural Center, Fresno, California, United States of America
Hamazkayin Cultural Society, Pasadena, California, United States of America
Directors Guild of America, Los Angeles, California, United States of America
L.A. Art Association, Los Angeles, California, United States of America
Salon d’Automne, Nicolas Ibrahim Sursock Museum, Lebanon
Galerie le Prisme, Jal el Dib, Lebanon
Salon d’Automne, Sursock Museum, Beirut, Lebanon
Galerie Alwane, Kaslik, Lebanon
Galerie Bekhazi, Beirut, Lebanon
Salon d’Automne, Musée Sursock, Lebanon
Jardins de l’Embassade de France, Beirut, Lebanon
U.J.A.C., Beirut, Lebanon
Public Exhibitions
X-Perimental Art III 2015, Beirut Souks, Beirut, Lebanon
Extraordinary Art Exhibition, Beirut Souks, Beirut, Lebanon
X-Perimental Art II 2014, Beirut Souks, Beirut, Lebanon
Slab Art, Beirut, Lebanon
Art Expo New York, New York, United States of America
Menasart, Beirut, Lebanon
Art Basel Miami Beach, Miami, Florida, United States of America
Art Deco, Biel, Beirut, Lebanon
Art Deco, Biel, Beirut, Lebanon
Ballouné Park, Ballouné, Lebanon
Terzian, Missak, and Joseph Tarrab, Metamorphosis: 25 Years of Painting, Terre du Liban
Awards and Honors
1st Prize from Jury Paul Guiragossian
2nd Prize at the 2nd Egyptian Print Biennale
Affiliations & Memberships
Los Angeles Art Association, Los Angeles, California, United States of America
Nicolas Ibrahim Sursock Museum, Beirut, Lebanon
The Contemporary Art Network, New York, United States of America
The Lebanese Artists Association, Beirut, Lebanon
Hamazkayin Art Gallery, Bourj Hammoud, Lebanon
Artblend, Artists Haven Gallery, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, United States of America
Amsterdam Whitney Gallery, Chelsea, New York, United States of America
Ramzi and Saeda Dalloul Art Foundation, Beirut, Lebanon
Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris, France
The Dubai Collection, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
The Bank of Sharjah head office, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
The Mokbel Art Collection, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
The Bank Audi head office, Beirut, Lebanon
The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia museum, Lebanon
Haigazian University, Beirut, Lebanon
Nicolas Ibrahim Sursock Museum, Beirut, Lebanon
The Armenian Monastery of Bzommar, Ghosta, Lebanon
Lebanon Central Bank head office, Beirut, Lebanon
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