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Dalloul Art Foundation

AHMED LOUARDIRI, Morocco (1928 - 1974)


Born in 1928 in Salé, Morocco, Ahmed Louardiri received primary education in a koranic school before he started working as a gardener at the age of 12 in many market gardens around the city until...

Born in 1928 in Salé, Morocco, Ahmed Louardiri received primary education in a koranic school before he started working as a gardener at the age of 12 in many market gardens around the city until the age of  31. Also, a gardener and a painter, Miloud Labied introduced him to the architect in Rabat, Mourad Ben M’Barek, and the art dealer Jacquelines Brodskis, after which he achieved his first solo exhibition in 1961.

Considered to be a naïf artist, Ahmed Louardiri always found inspiration in gardens and reproduced with a singular vision of the rich vegetation and vibrant colors. Louardiri continually optimized the compositions; his works are characterized by a treatment of the entire surface of the support.

In his representations, he dives the spectator into a legendary world in which he would integrate palaces, mosques, and fictional characters from popular and folk oral tradition. Ahmed Louardiri passed away in 1974.


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