Last updated on Fri 27 October, 2017
27.10.17 – 25.11.17
Opere Scelte Gallery has the pleasure of inviting you, on Thursday 26th October 2017 at 6.30 pm, in via Matteo Pescatore 11/D to the opening of the group show Wir nennen es arbeit / And they call it work. The title of the exhibition is derived from the Holm Friebe (1972, economist and journalist) and Sascha Lobo (1975, advertising) homonym book telling the birth of a new class of freelance workers who can determine their work using new technologies. Their exciting analysis of a future-oriented form of life inspires the idea of working the way they want to live. So the artists invited to join this great group-show, in a somewhat self-ironic way, declare the passion for their work and being an artist today. There is no specific theme that links the works of the 57 artists who live and work in Berlin and who relate to painting, photography, sculpture and drawing, but there is an aesthetic that matches their work: they are all small size and mostly black and white. The exhibition thus presents a mapping of today's artistic scene in Berlin and brings together the work of real well known artists to young emerging artists.
Artists in the exhibition: Sonja Alhäuser, 1969 Kirchen (D); Axel Anklam, 1971 Wriezen (D); Said Baalbaki, 1974 Beirut (RL); Alexandra Baumgartner, 1973 Salisburgo (A); Matthias Beckmann, 1965 Arnsberg (D); Ida Bekic; Tjorg Douglas Beer, 1973 Lubecca (D); Norbert Bisky, 1970 Lipsia (D); Simon Blume, 1982 Celle (D); Peter Böhnisch, 1977 Waiblingen (D); Fritz Bornstück, 1982 Weilburg (D); Birte Bosse, 1984 Hannover (D); Bram Braam, 1980 Sittard (NL); Laura Bruce, 1959 East Orange (USA); Joanna Buchowska, 1967 Polonia; Ulrike Buhl, 1967 Bad Boll (D); Jessica Buhlmann, 1977 Potsdam (D); Michael Conrads, 1977 Grevenbroich (D); Peter Dobroschke, 1977 Lich (D); Thomas Draschan, 1967 Linz (A); Stefan Draschan, 1979 Linz (A); Sven Drühl, 1968 Nassau (D); Wolfgang Flad, 1974 Reutlingen (D); Heiner Franzen, 1961 Papenburg (D); Philip Grözinger, 1972 Braunschweig (D); Stefanie Gutheil, 1980 Ravensburg (D); Eckart Hahn, 1971 Friburgo (D); Thomas Henninger, 1971 Offenburg (D); Christian Hoischen, 1966 Colonia (D); Nicolai Huch, 1977 Bielefeld (D); Markus Huemer, 1968 Linz (A); John Isaacs, 1968 Lancaster (UK); Isabel Kerkermeier, 1963 Heidelberg (D); Franziska Klotz, 1979 Dresda (D); Karsten Konrad, 1962 Würzburg (D); Jerry Kowalsky, 1972 Reuver (NL); Katharina Kritzler, 1982 Monaco (D); Jeewie Lee, 1987 Seul (ROK); Werner Liebmann, 1951 Königsthal (D); Oliver Mark, 1963 Gelsenkirchen (D); Monika Michalko, 1982 Falkenau (D); David Moses, 1983 Bonn (D); Jan Muche, 1975 Herford (D); Rainer Neumeier, 1975 Cham (D); Manfred Peckl, 1968 Wels (A); Thomas Rentmeister, 1964 Reken (D); Tanja Rochelmeyer, 1975 Essen (D); Benja Sachau, 1976 Amburgo (D); Daniel Schubert, 1984 Viersen (D); Bettina Scholz, 1979 Neuruppin (D); Julia Lia Walter, 1984 Feuchtwangen (D); Roger Wardin, 1971 Berlino (D); Maik Wolf, 1964 Pirna (D); Ulrich Wulff, 1975 Kempten/Allgäu (D); Michael Wutz, 1979 Ichenhausen (D); Michaela Zimmer, 1964 Fritzlar (D); Thomas Zipp, 1966 Heppenheim (D). On the occasion of the Night of Contemporary Arts, on Saturday November 4th, it will be possible to visit the exhibition from '3:30' pm until midnight. The exhibition will be open until November 25th, 2017.
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