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Dalloul Art Foundation

Ginane Makki Bacho's Material Remains at Ayyam Gallery in Beirut

Author Ginane Makki Bacho
Dalloul Art Foundation

Makki Bacho has diligently created her mixed steel installations over the last two years. The subject matter which she engages is older still. The Burj El Murr remains tethered to a difficult past around which other towers have cropped up in the vicinity and elsewhere. However, for a Beiruti, the significance of this tower cannot be replaced by any other. Like the landscape in which the Burj El Murr sits, within the gallery space the audience is confronted with not one, but multiple Matryoshka-like steel replicas of the original. The multiple iterations of the tower reflect the various moments this tower and its violent history have impacted the artist's life and memory.

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