Mohamad Said Baalbaki’s artwork Broken Dreams/Reve Brise, 2022, encapsulates the complex interplay between idealism and disillusionment. The piece features the word “Révelution” crafted in vibrant cursive red neon script—a visual choice that resonates deeply with themes of passion, danger, and urgency. The word itself is a linguistic blend that combines “rêve” (dream in French) and “revolution,” symbolizing the intersection of hope and transformative change. 

The artwork’s striking visual aesthetic, characterized by the boldness of the neon, underlines the intensity of the highlighted concepts. The choice of neon in Baalbaki’s artwork harnesses a material typically linked to commercial signage to convey a profound public declaration. Using neon as the material of choice infuses the piece with the poignant dichotomy: it is traditionally bright and alluring, yet often an omen of fading dreams and unmet expectations. The red glow of the neon script, spelling out “Révelution,” serves as a vivid symbol of passion and loss, highlighting the dual nature of revolutions filled with fervor, yet often leading to disillusionment. This interpretation draws upon the collective consciousness surrounding revolutionary ideals – full of promise, but susceptible to the harsh realities of their outcomes.

Broken Dreams/Reve Brise serves as a reflection on Baalbaki’s formative years during the Lebanese civil war from 1975 to 1990, a time marked by both literal and metaphorical darkness. Furthermore, the use of the French language, with its connotations of the French Revolution—a pivotal event characterized by both its high ideals and its reign of terror—further enriches the historical and emotional depth of the work.

Through this piece, Baalbaki engages with the broader narrative of global political unrest. The artwork stands as a powerful testament to the enduring human spirit and hope, while simultaneously mourning the losses that accompany such upheavals, almost like a dream that is lost.