Last updated on Mon 12 July, 2021

Adel Quraishi was asked to produce photographic portraits of the eight remaining ‘Guardians’ of theProphet’s Mosque (Al-Masjid al-Nabawi) by the current Governor of Medina, to be exhibited in theFebruary 2014 exhibition entitled ‘Letters and Illumination’ in Medina (an exhibition depicting thehistory of the city through calligraphy and photographs dating back to the 19th Century). He is theonly man to have been permitted to photograph these subjects, three of whom have since passedaway. At the time of the photographs, these eight men were the last of their generation, a traditionthat once numbered in the hundreds. As they are the last of the Guardians – and are not to bereplaced – the photographs are unique.
The history of the Guardians or eunuch servants of the Prophet’s mosque in Medina is recorded asdating back to the mid-12th century; in the present capacity they are the keepers of the keys to theProphet Muhammad’s burial chamber in addition to the keys to the minbar (the mosque’s pulpit).This group of men hail from Abysynnia. They wear traditional formal wear with embellishments,outfits usually reserved for state occasions. Quraishi’s sensitive handling of his subjects is evident inthe emotion that is conveyed by his sitters, while his technicality shines through in the radiantcomposition of the photographs. Rendered on a large scale, it is impossible not to be moved by theconnection between viewer and subject when confronted by the works.
In addition to The Guardians, Quraishi will exhibit one never-before-seen photograph of the interiorof the prophet’s mosque of Medina. Entitled
Leighton House Museum as part of the Nour Festival program, which shines a light on the very bestin contemporary Middle Eastern and North African arts and culture.
Please note that this exhibition is held at:
Leighton House Museum
(, 12 Holland ParkRoad, London W14 8LZ.
Saturday 24 October; 3:30 – 5pm
FREE; Museum entry applies
Join photographer Adel Quraishi for a private tour of his exhibition, The Guardians, followed by anopportunity to discuss and ask questions.
Register to attend:
The Guardians. Artist Talk (
Friday 13 November until 9pm
As part of the Nour Festival of Arts
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