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Dalloul Art Foundation

ABBES SALADI, Morocco (1950 - 1992)


Abbes Saladi was born in Marrakech, Morocco, in 1950. He interrupted his Philosophy studies in Rabat in 1977 due to health reasons and returned to his hometown, where he used to paint and sell his...

Abbes Saladi was born in Marrakech, Morocco, in 1950. He interrupted his Philosophy studies in Rabat in 1977 due to health reasons and returned to his hometown, where he used to paint and sell his works at the square of Jama EL Fnaa. In his works, Saladi mostly depicted scenes of his native country while borrowing his patterns from the Arab-Muslim imagination. The artist's stylized paintings are figurative and surrealist: he used hybrid bodies, distorted people, and unreal characters, combining plants, animals, and humans to create a strange world.

His colors are luminous but subtle, and his stokes are transparent. He drew his lines with extreme precision. For Saladi, the act of creating contained in itself a healing process: it is a way for his inner world to resurface. Through art, he combated his depression, freed himself from taboos and grief.

Saladi passed away in Marrakech in 1992.


Selected Solo Exhibitions


Abbès Saladi: Rétrospective, Musée de Bank Al-Maghrib, Rabat, Morocco

Selected Group Exhibitions    


Disorders, Musée d'Art Contemporain Lyon, Lyon, France


The Other Story: Moroccan modernism, Cobra Museum of Modern Art, Amstelveen, Netherlands
Jardin d’Éden, Espace Expressions de la Fondation CDG, Rabat, Morocco


Art, a serious game, Museum of African Contemporary Art Al Maaden – MACAAL, Marrakesh, Morocco
Moroccan Trilogy 1950 – 2020, Museo Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain  


E-Mois – Autobiographie d’une collection, Museum of African Contemporary Art Al  Maaden – MACAAL, Marrakesh, Morocco


MATHAF COLLECTION SUMMARY, PART 1, Arab Museum of Modern Art – Mathaf, Doha, Qatar


Paintings, Sculptures & Projects Garden, Museum of African Contemporary Art Al Maaden – MACAAL, Doha, Qatar


Ramzi and Saeda Dalloul Art Foundation, Beirut, Lebanon
Mathaf: Arab museum of Modern Art, Doha, Qatar

Abbès Saladi at the Dean’s Gallery in Cheever Hall – Helen E. Copeland Gallery.pdf
طباعة - كائنات عباس الصلادي العجيبة.pdf
Alquds Newspaper.pdf
الفن التشكيلي عند عباس صلادي ، أو حين يتجاوز الأثر الإبداعي الحدود بين التجريد والتشخيص - ماپ إكسپريسماپ إكسپريس.pdf
لو مكـــــون - مراكش_ ندوة علمية حول سيكولوجية الابداع النفسي الفنان التشكيلي عباس صلادي نموذجا.pdf
لوحة الهدية للتشكيلي المغربي عباس صلادي تباع بأزيد من خمسة ملايين درهم.pdf
creaphonie Saladi.pdf
School of Art, Montana State University Bozeman, Haynes Hall.pdf
Art contemporain_ Une œuvre signée Abbès Saladi adjugée à un prix record lors d_une vente aux enchères.pdf
AbbesSaladi_Psychoanalysis and Painting_ The Case of Abbès Saladi – Helen E._Copeland Gallery_Press.pdf
Fragments de vie de Abbès Saladi, auteur de la toile à 5 millions de DH.pdf
مغرس _ البيضاء.. تكريم ذاكرة الفنان الراحل عباس صلادي.pdf
AbbesSaladi_Saladi, un peintre très convoité_ L_Economiste_Press.pdf
Le Matin - Une vente aux enchères bientôt au Studio des arts vivants.pdf
L’art contemporain marocain a la super cote 
التشكيلي المغربي صلادي ينتقم لنفسه بعد مرور عقدين على وفاته  الأخبار جريدة إلكترونية مغربية مستقلة..pdf
AbbesSaladi_“L’offrande”, de Abbés Saladi, adjugé à plus de 5 millions de dirhams_Maroc Hebdo International_Press.pdf
AbbesSaladi_Exposition actuelle_MACMA_Press.pdf
AbbesSaladi_La psychanalyse et la peinture _ Le cas Abbès Saladi_Press.pdf


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